Message from the Title IX Coordinator


Dear Saint Mary's College Community,

I am pleased to introduce myself to you as Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer at Saint Mary's College of California. I am excited to be a part of this beautiful and vibrant community and honored to serve as the first full-time dedicated Title IX Coordinator for the college. My arrival in August 2024 created the new Title IX Support and Compliance Office (TIXSCO - "ticks-co").

The Title IX Support and Compliance Office at Saint Mary's College provides a central point of contact and oversight for handling concerns, complaints, and supportive measures for students, staff, faculty, and guests (including alumni, vendors, and visitors) regarding sex and gender-based discrimination, which includes: sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, other forms of sexual misconduct, pregnant and pregnancy-related matters, and retaliation.

My personal intentions and goals include working with everyone to:

  • Educate, protect, and empower every member of the SMC community;
  • Review and address all Title IX-related concerns, including promptly and objectively investigating reports of sex or gender-based discrimination;
  • Identify the best ways to share information with our community and provide transparency around our policies, procedures, resources, and limitations;
  • Provide intentional training and education using trauma-informed and restorative practices; and
  • Support a positive experience for all members of our campus community.

I look forward to collaborating with everyone and finding innovative ways to make Title IX a resource available to all. I welcome the opportunity to learn from you about your SMC experiences and hear thoughts and ideas to include in our philosophy and strategy of supporting a campus that does not tolerate discrimination of any kind.

I continue to focus on learning all I can about our community to build upon the great work already being done and understand needs to fulfill the mission of a violence and discrimination free campus.

Please reach out to connect anytime. My office is in Dante, room 112 - stop by for a hello, safe space, questions, and/or support; call me directly at 925.631.4055, or email

Here's to a wonderful, safe, and healthy 2024-2025 academic year. Go Gaels!

~ Jess Varga


Headshot of Jess Varga, Title IX Coordinator

Jess joined Saint Mary's College in August 2023, most recently from serving as the Title IX Coordinator at the University of San Francisco. With experience in Higher Education for over 20 years, Jess has worked in Title IX, student conduct, residential life, orientations, family programs, peer education and student organization advising. Jess has also worked at Sonoma State University, Willamette University, Stetson University, and South Seattle College.

Jess received her Masters in Leadership and Management from York St John University, in York, England, and a Bachelors in Criminal Justice Administration and Sociology from Sonoma State University. When not working, Jess can be found crafting, watching movies, reading about the royal family, antiquing, and dreaming of Paris.